Sell Courses

Turn Your Legal Expertise into Income

Share your knowledge, reach a wider audience, and earn money on your own terms.

Why Lawphilic?

See the Lawphilic format in action with our ₹49 sample course.

Set Your Own Price

Maximize your earnings by deciding how much your expertise is worth.

Effortless Course Management

Focus on teaching, we handle the technical details.

Low Commission Fee

We believe in your success – only a 5% commission per sale.

Targeted Audience

Reach law students and enthusiasts directly, instead of competing for general attention

Worried about creating slides and course materials?

For a one-time fee of ₹4999, our team will transform your outline and ideas into professional-looking slides, letting you focus on your lectures.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I teach live classes?

Currently, Lawphilic focuses on pre-recorded lectures. This gives you maximum flexibility and allows students to learn on their own schedules. We understand the appeal of live interaction and are exploring this feature for the future. Stay tuned!

  • Do I need any special equipment?

All you need is a way to record your lectures (this could be a webcam, your phone, or a more professional setup) and a way to share your screen if you want to include presentations.

  • Why should I choose Lawphilic over other platforms like Youtube?

You set the price: Earn what your knowledge is truly worth.

Low commissions: Keep the vast majority of your earnings.

Targeted audience: Connect directly with motivated learners in the legal field.

  • Who is the target audience for my courses?

Lawphilic attracts law students, aspiring legal professionals, and individuals interested in gaining legal knowledge. By choosing our platform, you’ll reach a highly engaged and relevant audience.